Childhood should be happy and carefree. But, unfortunately, not everyone had it that way. Dear veterans, children of war, we congratulate you on Victory Day! We are proud of your endurance, your fortitude, your willpower. The war has brought you up to be brave and serious guys. Yes, your childhood was hard, with a roar and exploding shells, but now let your life be calm, peaceful and prosperous. We wish you health and prosperity. We wish you respect and honor. We wish you the love and care of your loved ones. We wish to fill all the sad moments of military childhood with fun adventures with grandchildren and great-grandchildren. A low bow to the veterans and home front workers, widows and children of war and the warmest words of gratitude. Health, cheerfulness, well-being, peaceful sky over your head and long life! May the desire to win never leave you, and peace and prosperity will always be in your homes.